Campus Building Closeup

Working With the Media

Being approached by the media can be intimidating, whether they are asking about good news or bad. When a journalist, reporter, blogger, or producer reaches out to you, it's always best to notify Marketing and Communications.

Who Can Help Me?

Official Spokesperson

Vice President of Communications Wes Sumner, DBA, serves as the official spokesperson of Florida Tech. Dr. Sumner communicates university positions on issues of campus-wide impact and handles matters that are potentially controversial or sensitive. Notify Dr. Sumner immediately of situations that are of this nature. Contact him at 321-674-6218 or

Director of Media Communications

Adam Lowenstein, director of media communications, is responsible for fielding media inquires and responding to requests for media access to faculty experts and/or campus facilities/locations. If a member of the media reaches out to you directly for an interview regarding your subject matter expertise, please involve Adam as soon as possible. Contact him 321-674-8964 or

What are the Policies Concerning Access?

  • Florida Tech welcomes reporters and photographers on campus as it welcomes the public. However, visiting media are asked to notify Marketing and Communications in advance so that the visit can be appropriately facilitated.
  • It is Florida Tech policy to be as helpful as possible to the media. However, students, staff and faculty have a right to privacy; neither reporters nor the public are allowed to disrupt classroom instruction or other educational functions.
  • Speaking to members of the news media on the part of faculty, staff or students is always voluntary. If a reporter approaches you in person with an impromptu question, feel free to refer him/her to the Communications office. Never feel obligated to answer questions on-the-fly when you haven’t had time to prepare. Reporters are always asked to coordinate any inquiry regarding campus life or personnel through Marketing and Communications.
  • News media must obtain prior permission from Marketing and Communications, and be accompanied by a University Communications representative, to enter classrooms, medical facilities and teaching laboratories. Permission usually will be granted, as long as access does not disrupt university functions or jeopardize safety. Residence halls are closed to the news media un­less reporters make prior arrangements and receive permission for access.
  • Requests to videotape specific campus activities or functions should be referred to the Communications office. Requests for commercial, non-news photography, filmmaking or videotaping should also be referred to the Communications office.
  • The news media may not infringe on the privacy of students, parents, administrators, faculty or staff.